Psychic Shockwave

Currently these are the level 6 dark machine type monsters that you can opt to special summon with psychic shockwave.
Psychic shockwave. Psychic shockwave yugipedia yu gi oh. With a blast from the ultra psychic shockwave zoda z was defeated. Ultimate psychic shockwave.
A micro black hole forms for a short duration at the end of the attack range and deals additional attacks to nearby enemies. Activate only when your opponent activates a trap card. With his final adventure over mike exclaimed.
Psychic shockwave as referenced by the artwork this card is designed for use with jinzo which will negate the trap card that was just played. With the argonians rescued the tetrads were reassembled which transformed into the father of the children king hirocon. But take note b e s big core s effect cannot be activated as it was not normal summoned and trifortressops was not special summoned properly therefore its immunity to card effects will not be activated.
If you have any issues or find any bugs be sure to let us know on discord. The portuguese lore given is not official. Discard 1 spell trap card to special summon 1 level 6 dark machine type monster from your deck.
With the family reunited they returned to the planet argonia to rebuilt their society. Shockwave developed the cortical psychic patch during the great war. Psychic shockwave extreme victory yugioh online gaming store for cards miniatures singles packs booster boxes.
The croatian and portuguese names given are not official. Wiki help support yugipedia by using our chrome extension which redirects links to the old wikia fandom site to yugipedia ensuring you see the most up to date information. What a wild adventure.